Le Muse Ristorante & Lounge Bar

Le Muse Ristorante & Lounge Bar


Via dei Conti 9 Firenze 50123 50123 Firenze

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CHARM - Le Muse Ristorante & Lounge Bar springs from an ambitious project inspired by local culinary traditions and the use of high quality products to create a place where one can taste the best of Italian cuisine.
PHILOSOPHY - The chefs of Le Muse will reawaken your senses with creative dishes and genuine flavors. By offering wine-and-food experiences that vary according to the time of day, Le Muse is the ideal place for a hearty breakfast, a light lunch or an elegant dinner.
NEW COOKING EXPERIENCES - The Lounge Bar offers a relaxing yet exclusive setting. The expert bartenders know how to prepare sophisticated cocktails for the most demanding palates and they serve delightful finger foods and hors d'oeuvres of all kinds.
Experience the new Power Lunch and take the opportunity to try our Energy Massage to relax body and mind before leaving the restaurant.

Offres et événements

Réservation sur LaFourchette




Uovo Pochè, Spuma di Pomodoro, Pane

8 €

Panzanella Croccante

8 €

Crema Cotta, Carota, Nocciole, Yogurt

10 €

Seppia, Nero Piccante e Taccole

10 €



Pappa al Pomodoro, Burrata, Olio al Basilico

12 €

Tagliatelle di Farro, Ragù di Maiale, Pinoli Tostati

12 €

Linguine, Crema ai Fiori, Zucchine Croccanti

12 €

Spaghetti, Melanzane e Parmigiano, Pomodoro Datterini

13 €

Melanzana, Quinoa, Pomodori Confit, Mozzarella di Bufala

18 €

Polpo, Maionese di Polpo, Patate, Zucchine

20 €

Controfiletto di Manzo, Ratatouille, Pomodori Verdi

22 €

Petto d’Anatra, Pinzimonio di Frutta e Verdura

22 €



Cremoso al Cioccolato, Salsa di Pesche, Crumble di Mandorle

8 €

Bavarese al Caprino, Salsa di albicocche, Basilico, Terra Nera

8 €

Creme Bruleè al Caffè, Granita al Rabarbaro

8 €

Les horaires

  Midi Soir
Lundi - -
Mardi - -
Mercredi - -
Jeudi - -
Vendredi - -
Samedi - -
Dimanche - -

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